Friday, April 3, 2009

Trust pt. 2

---Like my "Trust pt1", I wrote this a month ago and don't really know what it needs to make me feel good about posting it. I feel like this might not really get across what I want to say, but its possible that keeping it unpublished in hopes of fixing it is stagnating my writing in general. So here is the rough version I put to words hastily - hopefully just getting it out of my drafts section will help me think about some of the concepts that need thinking about---

One reason I am interested in on-field trust is that it seems to affect me greatly at times. Am I more aware because it holds sway over me or do I let it hold sway over me because I choose to notice and put emphasis? I bet its both: one problem with intellectualizing sports is that process provides more to think about when what we strive for is a non-thinking, "in-the-zone" experience.

In its most basic form, lack of trust is not throwing to the rookie at all.

Frisbee is very different than football because if you just keep the disc moving, you are fine. In football you have to make play, stop, make play, stop ect...

One of the things I dislike about my play as of late is my pattern of getting mad at my teammates because the "right" cut isn't there or I am not thrown the disc when I should be. This must come from a lack of trust in my teammates decision making. Its a totally unproductive response. In its worst form, this causes me to force throws to cuts that aren't there or aren't open to show what i do want. Well, thats stupid, the team doesnt see what I do want, they just see decision turn overs. It leads to rushed, or delayed throws that are always unfocused. It is me trying to "do to much".

I said in Trust pt. 1 that the trust I'm talking about is not about believing in my teammates to execute "above" their physical level. Its not that we should expect to outrun, outthrow, out jump, and outlayout the opposition - no, that's just disrespecting or underestimating opponent's abilities. Trust is knowing that a teammate will perform AT his physical level and with decision making that is deemed to be good based on agreed upon choices (agreed upon = practiced, drilled, or predetermined strategy and tractics). This is playing "within" ones self (something else I am really interested in - future post)

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